
Monday, March 24, 2014

What are the Symptoms of a Yeast Infection in Men

Symptoms of a Yeast Infection in Men

What is a penis / penile yeast infection?
Well a penis/penile yeast infection (or whatever they call that) comes from a yeast-like fungus called Candida and is also referred to as candidiasis. A sign of male yeast infection usually appears ON THE PENIS. One symptom is that the tip of the penis may become SORE, RED, or ITCHY PENIS.Some may also experience slight discharge or dry, flaky skin on the
penis.Irritation may also occur in the form of anal burning or anal itching or itching at the head of the penis.A red rash or spots with white patches on the foreskin and also the shaft of the penis may be another indication. Redness can also appear on the scrotum or the upper thighs.

yeast infection no more

What are the Symptoms of a Yeast Infection in Men?

Men with diabetes can get a number of yeast related infections. Most men with diabetes have high levels of sugar in their urine, saliva and general system. Yeast tends to feed off this sugar and exacerbate systemic yeast. This can set off an entire host of other yeast related infections in different areas of the body, both internal and external.

Penile Yeast Infections
Men with diabetes can also get penile yeast infections. These can occur on the penis or scrotum. This condition can cause both itching and burning. There is often a starchy odor that accompanies the other symptoms. People with this condition often have reddish bumps or blisters on the shaft or head of their penis; and sometimes on the scrotum. They can also get a clumpy white discharge. Again, diabetic men tend to have high levels of sugar in their urine, which can foster this type of infection. Candidiasis in the colon can also set it off. Men with diabetes must see a doctor if suspect a penile yeast infection. Nystatin creams can sometimes bring relief. However, this yeast infection can often recur.

Weak immunity
Which can result from other conditions, such as an under-active thyroid gland,
chronic stress, Lyme disease, and HIV.

Sexual transmission
Candida can be transmitted between people by direct contact, and so can be considered a sexually-transmitted disease. A yeast-infected woman who has unprotected sex with a man can infect her lover, treat her own infection, and then get reinfected next time she has sex with him. If you or your lover has an active infection you should be extra-careful to follow safer sex guidelines until you are sure both of you are infection-free. During an infection or while being treated, refrain from vaginal intercourse, wash your hands or change your gloves in between touching your own crotch and your partner's, and keep those sex toys really really clean.

Although far less common than sexual transmission, the other main cause of penile yeast infection is prolonged antibiotic use. The male body has a standard contingent of creatures that inhabit the crotch, and antibiotics can rid the body of the good ones, allowing the normally-occurring yeast to take over.

Condoms with nonoxynol-9
Although it's not at all the same problem, this seems like as good a place as any to warn you that I've seen occasional rumors in gay magazines saying that condoms with nonoxynol-9 added to the lubricant may contribute to anal infections. This is very plausible given that we know it can cause vaginal yeast infections. If this is a problem for you, try using a condom that doesn't have a spermicidal lubricant.

Continual masturbation
If your hands and toys are clean then this is not your problem.

Poor personal hygiene
Cleanliness I'm sure I don't have to elaborate this one.

For more information please check out Yeast Infection No More Review the leading Male Yeast Infection Treatment.