Candida Infection
Candida infection, what is it and how did you get it? Candida infection is also known as a yeast infection, happens when the natural yeast in the body is able to grow out of control. Normally there is a natural amount of healthy bacteria and it keeps the yeast in check. Sometimes we kill off the healthy bacteria by accident and the the yeast will grow out of control and we now have a candida yeast infection.How did you kill off the healthy bacteria? Most of the time we kill off the natural healthy bacteria because we take an antibiotic for some other reason, and the antibiotic can't tell what the
difference is between the healthy bacteria that we need and the bad bacteria that we took the antibiotic for, so it kills it all off.
Another way we might get a candida yeast infection, could be from our sexual partners. Candida is not considered a sexually transmitted disease but it can be past back and forth. If men have a yeast infection they might not know it. Men can develop a candida yeast infection and the symptoms may be a rash around the genitals or it could be something like constipation, or the symptom can be simple and you might just think you ate something that did not agree with you and it will go unnoticed.
So we now know that we can't take a antibiotic to cure a yeast infection and if you use medicated creams or ointments that will just target the surface. We know that the candida yeast infection is an internal problem and you will need to treat it as one by changing your diet and starving the yeast and giving your bodies healthy bacteria a chance to bounce back and get your body back in balance.
If you would like information about a natural Candida home treatment Please visit Yeast Infection No More Review. Information is key to solving any problem.